Posts in Civic Practice
What If We Are Not Planning to Survive?

I have lost my desire to be in learning spaces that claim to be about community when they are not. I have a shift to make in my approach, as well as name the shift to the people with whom I am creating the learning habitat. The shift I must make is simple: from "me and community" to "me in community".

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The Tenderness of Surrender

We all know this feeling of surrender, of turning around or giving in. It is not failure; it is facing reality with a clear commitment to look after self. Nor is this about losing, about having not won. It is a recognition of when we’ve hit our limits and choosing to accept the emotional challenge of not being able to do what we expected to do.

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Make People Visible to Each Other

When we use technology like Zoom, even with a panel presentation, when we choose to allow participants to see each other we are allowing the community that has gathered to see each other and make further contact with itself. We choose to enable, rather than disable, community agency.

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Surrender to Self-Expression

Low-grade depression—the words a friend spoke on a call a few weeks ago. It never occurred to me that the word ‘depression’ could apply to me, but I knew to trust the reverberations in my body. It explained how I’ve been feeling for several weeks. And it lead to a big gift in understanding how I “power” myself.

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Inner Stability Allows Citizen and City Agency

When I take action to do the work I need to do for myself, or to stop doing work for other people, I change the rules of the game between us. It is vital to understand that awakening agency, whether in myself or others, is destabilizing. When I asked my loved one, in my dream, to stop leaning on me because her actions were going to push me over the edge, she was unable to stabilize herself. There may be places were others need to ask me to stop leaning on them, and that will destabilize me.

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Healthy Feedback Loops Are Survival Skills

Our cities are an expansive nestwork of feedback loops. The healthier and stronger the connections are within the nestwork, the healthier our cities. To a great extent, the quality of our cities, and how well they serve us, is up to us because we make or disable the connections within the nestwork.

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Dismantle White Patriarchy with Emotional Courage

I wrote this in my journal last year, to myself and the women in my life: "Propping up emotionally immature men is more important than holding space for those who disturb the men, because disturbing the men is too disruptive for us." This is an insight I ran away from for a time, but it’s time to look closer.

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