City Nestworking Bundle of Courses
The next offering of these three 4-week online courses starts in September 2022. You can take the whole course, or register for the part that best suits your needs.
NOTE: Course calls take place on Wednesdays from noon to 1:30 pm Mountain Time.
“Beth’s work shaped my view of interconnectedness and the practical strategies we need in our complex and chaotic urban environments.”
City Nestworking is a bundle of courses for people who want to learn how to more effectively work with the systems of the city to improve the quality of life in our cities, at any scale. You might be an active citizen, working in the business world or the non-profit sector, or working in one of our public institutions. What you share is a desire to make cities that serve citizens well—and a desire to be citizens who contribute consciously to the city habitat we make for ourselves. (Cities work as well as we make them.)
City Nestworking explores how we need to look at the systems of the city and our places in those systems, and our relationships with and within those systems. The course thus explores the quality of “civic practice” and “social habitat” that is needed to accomplish our work to make cities that serve citizens and our planet well.
“The City Nestmaking Courses prompted me to rethink my role and embrace the messiness and opportunity of being both a resident of the city and a person that works within a city. Rather than seeing these roles at odds, I was also to bring them together to make a better whole.”
Choose what works for you:
City Making (September 14 to October 5, 2022). Learn about the distinction between city building and city making, a vital understanding to improve our experience of cities. $199 CAD. Mighty Network members: go to “courses” to pay and register. Not a member of the Mighty Network? Go to the City Makers Mighty Network landing page to “buy” the course, which means register.
Working with Tension in the City (October 12 to November 2, 2022). Let’s learn how to work with the tension and messiness in city life so we can make better cities for ourselves. $199 CAD. Go to the City Makers Mighty Network landing page to “buy” the course, which means register.
Engaging Inquiry in the City (November 16 to December 7, 2022). Learn to work with conflict as a means to improve the city. $199 CAD. Not a member of the Mighty Network? Go to the City Makers Mighty Network landing page to “buy” the course, which means register.
OR all three (September 14 to December 7, 2022). Cultivate your capacity (and your city’s) to foster adaptation, resilience and transition. $449 CAD. Not a member of the Mighty Network? Go to the City Makers Mighty Network landing page to “buy” the course, which means register.
The courses are designed to give you opportunities to actively apply City Nestworking ideas to your community work throughout the course. This can relate to your work generally, or to a specific project in the dream stage, in progress, or a reflection on a project that has already taken place. Whether general work or a project, you may be a volunteer, an observer, or paid to be actively involved. You do not need to be a formal city planner or explicitly involved in city work to take this course. You need only be interested in making cities that serve us well because everyone is a city maker—just in different ways that we will learn about in the course. This diversity of perspective will be actively explored in live course sessions.
Registration takes place with payment at the City Makers Mighty Network, via Stripe.
NOTE: Course calls take place on Wednesdays from noon to 1:30 pm Mountain Time.
“Beth is a consummate facilitator. She quietly shepherds the flow of the session to connect those aspects of the content to those who can most benefit from it.”
“I applied the learnings and techniques gained here to my leadership practice. In particular: being clear about the destination to aim for, which choices need to be made, trade-offs and perspectives understood, to move to the right place in a good way.”
Nest City Community of Civic Practice
Four weekly online gatherings to support you and your city work. Next edition: October 12 to November 2, 2022.
The work we do in our cities is changing in our upside-down world. What we do, how we do it, and why we do it is in question. There are challenges and opportunities before us. Who do you choose to be? Who do we choose to be? This is dedicated time to receive and offer support so we can offer our best selves (our work) to our communities and cities.
This is dedicated time to explore, as individuals and as a small group, the practitioners we are becoming, the challenges and opportunities we face. We will gather and share experiences, worries, excitement and possibilities.
You can sign up for the Community of Civic Practice in the City Makers Mighty Network. The cost is $199 CAD (GST included, for Canadians). Payment is made in the Mighty Network, via Stripe.
Registration takes place with payment at the City Makers Mighty Network.
“The combination of goal setting, self-evaluation, project planning timelines, actionable ideas, diagrams and facilitation activities, team-sharing, holding space for each other has left a lasting impression. Beth cares, the content reflects that, the approaches embody care. I am glad to have had this learning opportunity, shared journey, and renewed sense of purpose and optimism.
“Beth’s perspective on me and my work is unique. It’s been a period of disruption, wallowing, and not knowing in my life and this was a valuable space for me to be intentional about what’s happened and how I’ll move forward. Very healing.”
Interested in taking a course?
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